John’s Perspective

By . Image credit NZ Govt. 2017 december

I’m pleased a response to the Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari marine spatial plan is on the list of priorities for the new Minister of Conservation to consider in her first 30 days, in recently-released Briefings for the Incoming Government.

It is a year since the plan was launched and this is now long overdue.

The idea of an independent advisory group to advise marine ministers on implementation and lead additional consultation is a good one and I look forward to supporting it.

As this issue of the Gulf Journal shows there are exciting things happening around the Gulf.

Dan Hikuroa believes our success in marine spatial planning and protecting Bryde’s whales comes from listening to the voice of the Gulf.

The work of the Revive our Gulf project has reached a new stage, with mussel reefs now being created around Mahurangi harbour.

Elisabeth Easther has been revisiting people and places made familiar by her mother’s television series and book in the 1960s.

And Mary Frankham is catalysing conservation projects and stitching them together from the Gulf to the Waitakere ranges.

Enjoy these stories and a long, hot summer out and about on the Gulf.

– Mayor John Tregidga
