Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Conference: 2016 – Do The Right Thing

Session 1: Framing the challenge


Charles will speak on the importance of belonging and connections with natural world environments as the central idea of indigeneity and as a necessary dimension of unlocking the creative potential of mātauranga Māori.

Big hearted

Rick Braddock’s vision spans Motutapu island farm and directorships for private, public and Maori interests. He offers his formula for success.

The Story of our Gulf

Author and Environment Defence Society Policy Director Raewyn Peart’s latest book is The Story of the Gulf. She charts its social and environmental history and the prospects for transformative change.

Youth voice: Lana Poila

Lana Poila, a Cook Island Year 13 student at Tamaki College and leader.

Session 2: Facing the issues

Mixing things up

Che Wilson brings a background in the public and private sector, iwi leadership, and philanthropy to his new role as Tumuaki in the Ministry for the Environment. How does government enable the right things?

Fishing for New Zealand

Barry Torkington chaired the NZ Fisheries Symposium earlier this year with a promise to help develop policies for a better future. How can fisheries management best serve New Zealand Inc?

People power

Andrew Schollum believes more democratic ways of measuring water quality, handling data and creating decisions are needed to turn our waterways around.

Youth voice: Ishie Sham

Ishie Shama, year 12 student from One Tree Hill College, environmental leader and spoken word poet.

Session 3: Finding solutions

Shellfish power

The Nature Conservancy’s Chris Gillies explains how shellfish reef restoration is taking off in Australia, sharing lessons learnt and discussing what may be applicable for the Gulf.

Better fishing

Hawke’s Bay trawl fishing couple Karl and Sarah Warr are using Facebook and a home grown “precision fishing technology” to chart new waters.

Silver lining

On behalf of his hapu on Motititi Island, Te Atarangi Sayers is seeking a rahui to protect an unexpected benefit accruing from the Rena disaster – the recovery of species like hapuku around Astrolabe Reef.

Youth voice: Jordan Robertson

Jordan Robertson, year 12, Avondale College, surf lifesaver and environmental leader.

Session 4: Celebrating success

Added value

Waiheke fly fishing guide Matt von Sturmer and Oyster Inn chef Anthony McNamara are taking the humble kahawai to sporting and culinary heights.

Sailing with whales

Jochen Zaeschmar runs eco sailing adventures out of the Bay of Islands and is researching the behaviour of a little known seasonal visitor to the Gulf, the false killer whale.

2016 Holdaway Award

This year’s outstanding leadership contribution revealed.