The Hauraki Gulf Forum is a statutory body charged with the promotion and facilitation of integrated management and the protection and enhancement of the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana / Te Moananui-ā-Toi.
The Forum has representation on behalf of the tangata whenua of the Hauraki Gulf and its islands, the Ministers of Conservation, Fisheries and Māori Development, and elected representatives from Auckland Council (including Aotea Great Barrier Island and Waiheke Island Local Boards), Waikato Regional Council, and the Waikato, Hauraki, Thames-Coromandel and Matamata-Piako District Councils.
Our vision
Tīkapa Moana / Te Moananui-ā-Toi, the Hauraki Gulf is “celebrated and treasured”, is “thriving with fish and shellfish, kaimoana”, has a “rich diversity of life”, supports a “sense of place, connection and identity” and a “vibrant economy”.
Who we are

Ms Nicola Rata-MacDonald
Co-Chairperson - Tangata Whenua

Mayor Toby Adams
Hauraki District Council

Charmaine Bailie
Tangata Whenua

Joe Davis
Tangata Whenua

Cr Christine Fletcher
Auckland Council

Terrence Hohneck
Tangata Whenua

Jacob Hore
Fisheries New Zealand

Tom Irvine
Tangata Whenua

Cr Mike Lee
Auckland Council

Cr Kerrin Leoni
Auckland Council

Cr Warren Maher
Waikato Regional Council

Martin Mariassouce
Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Māori Development

Cr Paaniora Matatahi-Poutapu
Waikato District Council

Dean Ogilvie
Tangata Whenua

Mr Chris Ollivier
Aotea Great Barrier Local Board (Auckland Council)

Ms Bianca Ranson
Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council)

Alex Rogers
Department of Conservation

Cr James Sainsbury
Matamata-Piako District Council

Mayor Len Salt
Thames-Coromandel District Council

Cr John Watson
Auckland Council

Cr Wayne Walker
Auckland Council
Our strategic issues
Integrated management: Improve integrated management through collaborative planning, informed decision-making, and credible action Healthy environments.
Ensure healthy: environments by improving water quality and managing land use practices that impact the Gulf.
Marine ecosystems: Improve marine ecosystems through recognising critical marine values and advocating for their protection and restoration.
Our big goals
- A healthy catchment
- At least 30% marine protection
- A restored seafloor
See our 2024-2026 Workplan for details
Our 2024 priorities
The 24-26 workplan is holistic and wide reaching, befitting the number of complex issues in the Gulf. However, there are several ‘top of mind’ priorities for 2024 for the Forum to watch, within the framework of our strategic goals:
- Caulerpa
- Sediment and pollution
- Seafloor damaging fishing methods
- RMS Niagara
- Marine protection.
Our key documents

Our Governance Statement

Our Workplan 2024-2026

Briefing to Incoming Government

Valuing the Hauraki Gulf
Our Annual Reports
Other important documents

Effects of the Parnell sinkhole on Hauraki Gulf ecosystem services

Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari

State of the Gulf Reports
Contact our Executive Officer

Lucy Baragwanath
eo [at] haurakigulfforum [dot] org [dot] nz